Getting Started with Bitcoin

Know the latest news

Know the latest stories and insides about Bitcoin everyday. Be upto date on events and happenings on the Bitcoin world. Read the opinions of different Bitcoin analyst and enthusiast, and speculate what will be the value of Bitcoin in the future.
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Choose a wallet that is convenient and fully featured for your Bitcoin storage needs. It must be available on all major platforms, and translated in a variety of languages. Most of all, it must be easily accessible throught the internet or local connection


Obtaining bitcoins is easy as obtaining any other currency.You can ask your existing employer to pay you in Bitcoin. You can get paid for your freelancing work by Bitcoins. You can also sell something you already have for them. The easiest way is just to buy them on one of our trusted Bitcoin exchanges.

Choose an Exchanger


Using bitcoins is easy. The first step is you need to find a businesses that accepts Bitcoin's instant and secure payment system. More and more businesses, large and small, accept Bitcoin payments every day. Many countries has been accepting Bitcoin and integrating it in their own government payment systems.